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How to mount Lx90 8" onto an NEQ6

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I am hoping to get myself a new mount for my lx90 as I'm not keen on the fork mount and fitting the eq plate is a bit of a chore. I seem to find myself coming back to the NEQ6 with the thought of de forking the OTA.

I'm wondering what I would need to mount the OTA to the mount that will also give me the option of mounting a guide scope at a later date.

Would rings be the best or do I need saddles on the OTA to attach to the mount?

Sorry if I sound vague I'm just finding it hard to see what I would need and what comes with the mount.



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Hi Stuart,

Please see a post I made some time ago which shows how I set up my old LX90 onto a NEQ6:  http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/92919-new-mount-for-lx90/#entry918366

Basically, carefully remove the OTA from the forks, and fit a Losmandy style dovetail (assuming your NEQ6 has a compatible Losmandy saddle).

As for mounting a guide-scope, I fitted an ADM mini dovetail system to the top of the scope but, based upon experience since, you should look to using an OAG to guide your LX90 due to the long focal length.  Also get a focal reducer which will makes things a bit easier.

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