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New mount or new telescope

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Following on from my last post about finding a second hand scope, I notice the mount I want/need is highly sought after second hand.

I have a skyliner 200p dob. I want tracking but with the likelihood of buying a new heq5 would it be cheaper and advisable just to get a new telescope with goto.

Something like a nexstar se6 or even a flex tube 200p with goto. I wouldn't mind hooking up a Web cam at some point too.

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If considering the mount and a new OTA at the same time, Celestron are offering some great deals on the Advanced VX Mount as a package with many scopes.    The C6 and AVX mount is currently £ 1085 at FLO, but the real deal at the moment seems to be the C8 Edge HD + AVX @ £ 1479.       You could add a set of SW tube rings and long dovetail bar and swing the skyliner on the same mount.

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That sounds like a great scope. The C8 is out of my range. The c6 is barely in my bracket but don't know enough on the subject to know what it does and why it's better than a 6se.

Will have a read up on it

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