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Out with the old, in with the less old

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So, after getting royally annoyed with the puny Via based HP2133 laptop i was using, a better Atom based machine i was using as my home web server has replaced it as my scope 'command and control'.


Same as this but in a slinky black anodised finish. EVerything runs fine now, especially APT 2.41 which the laptop really didn't like (no fault of APTs)

Currently trying to image ic342 which is proving very difficult.

Images to follow, hopefully.

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Reason #675643438995 why winblowz is a piece of *cough* operating system... Just spent 2 hours trying to figure out why the wireless access point configuration in my telescope control computer wouldn't authenticate my nexus 7. turns out that even though the network config application was running and correctly configured, it has to be run either minimised or open on screen at boot up, just running as a process wasn't enough... what kind of *%^^£(*%" is that all about????

still, just had to delete the /H flag in the start menu shortcut and all is well.

PLEASE!!! astronomy software devs, rewrite for a proper operating system (linux).

At least now i can take all the kit out in the field and connect my nexus directly to the control computer without having to worry about not having interweb or network... the computer is now a standalone wireless access point and i can log in with any machine with wireless, and as the machine runs from an external 12v power source, i can plug it straight in to my battery pack.

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