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Barlow & moon filter to Explorer 130P?

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I'm new here, and have a question! The thing is that I've decided to buy a Sky Watcher Explorer 130P.
But should I buy a barlow and moon filter directly?
The Barlow lens I think of is the Sky-Watcher 1.25 "Deluxe Barlow x2 (double lens.) Will it make a big difference if I buy one? It pushes my budget to the limit, but if it makes a huge difference, then it may be worth it..?
Moon filter, will it make any difference when looking at the details on the moon?
What I should I expect to see with / without the barlow?

I hope for many quick answers and ideas!

Best Regards / / Mandie

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Mandie........Hi,.......You can download a software program called Stellarium. There is an option to enter the details of your telescope and eyepieces, and also Barlows. You can then compare the different eyepieces and magnifications, and field of view. Stellarium is FREE and very good. 

I would try the telescope first to see what its like. You really dont need a Moon filter?  The Moon is bright,  and sun glasses help, or leaving the Dust cap on the telescope in-place, but open the small aperture cover/cap on the lid? You wont go blind looking at the Moon. 
Your 25mm lens that you will get will be fine for low power, wide views. The 10mm is not the best quality lens. I would therefore, at some stage, buy another eyepiece to use against the 10mm. My 1st choice and favourite is the 8mm BST Starguider available from Skies_Unlimited on ebay. A Barlow changes the focal length of a telescope. your telescopes focal length is 650mm. Divide that by the lens size, 10mm = 65X or 65 times power/Magnification.  Same for the 25mm. 650/25=26x or 26xPower/Magnification. If you add a 2xBarlow, your focal length doubles, so 650 becomes 1300/10=130X and 1300/25=52x. You can say you now have 4 eyepieces from just two, giving 26x 52x 65x and 130X magnifications.
try the telescope first till you get used to it, then possibly treat yourself to a newer lens to replace the 10mm. I don't think pushing the 10mm with a Barlow, will give you the satisfaction you desire. The 8mm however, is a better quality eyepiece. If that was Barlowed at a later stage.........?
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