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SN in M82 - Anyone tried to capture it in IR?


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Just wonder if anyone have tried to capture it in IR, and if it's even visable in IR?

It's cloudy here noiw, and expected to remain like this for anotehr week or two at least - but as soon as it clears up i'll jump on it.

I'll mainly gather RGB with the 550D, but i'm also curious if i should give IR data a try with the 5L-IIM through the SW exp. 200PDS. It might be pushing the limits a bit with FOV and tracking, but if i only use the finderscope i'm guessing it's going to be too small to even see the SN.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It took forever to get clear sky here. It's kind of clear now, with probably about 30% cloud cover. Hopefully i'll be able to get some useful data.

Here's how a single frame look. Unguided, and a bit weindy.

Crossing my fingers, arms, legs, cables, my cat's paws, and a few other things and hoping for teh best... :p

Edit; the files appear veeeery dark in DSS though, any fix on that? As even at 2% star detect treshold, it's only finding teh 3-5 brightest stars - not enough to stack properly

Edit 2; found out that it's only when using FIT files. When using TIF it's all good. Only lost liek 15 min data, i'll survive that :)


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managed to capture 1 hour worth og 60s exposures. Working on the color data now with the 550D.

What do you guys think? Will it make sense adding this to the RGB data (as red) to create an IRRGB image?

Edit: god knaow what happend to the pic after uploading. Regardless if it's jpg or png it gets artifacts. >_<


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