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12 x42 binoculars or 10 x 50?

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I am a complete novice and own some very old 8 x 40 Pentax binoculars with which I get good views of the moon. I am thinking of buying something with a bigger magnification that I might be able to use with a tripod or monopod. Does anyone use 12 x 42 binoculars? I tried a pair of Barr and Stroud Sahara's which were great in the shop but How would they perform at night? Can anyone offer any advice please? What detail can I expect to see of, say, Saturn? Thanks and apologies if this is a naive question!

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You will not see anything of Saturn other then a bright small disk.

You need more the 10x or 12x to get that, sort of 70x or 80x as a minimum.

Good for viewing and will allow you to see clusters, you will (may) get some of the basic shape of M42, but again just the idea that it is whatever shape it is.

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