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Jellyfish in HaLRGB


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This is the Jellyfish Nebula (IC443) in HaLRGB, taken with a 4" refractor and Atik 4000.  RGB was binned 2x2 - a mistake I think, but I wanted to save time because of the awful weather.  Red is blended with Ha to reduce the halos round the two Gemini stars. LRGB was 12 exposures each of 2 minutes.  Ha (7nM) was 9 exposures each of 20 minutes.


I am quite pleased with the image, but I feel the stars are not quite as I would like partly because of the Ha blending.  I need to experiment with blending the Ha as luminance to try and improve this.  Actually I would like to be able to afford an Astrodon Ha filter which I think might provide more detail in the nebula…….



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Very nice image! The area around the jellyfish is fantastic, but those two stars are a nightmare for processing, aren't they?

Your set up gives a generous field of view for this.

What software do you use for processing? Pixinsight has a very nice masked stretch tool to keep stars under control, but they few times I've tried HaRGB I always ended up using the stars form Ha...


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Thanks Martin and Epicycle.  I used Photoshop for processing, but have to confess that I am very much an amateur when using this software.  When I first merged the RGB and saw the colour of the stars I was quite blown away, and that is why I wanted to use at least a part of the original red rather than just Ha for the red channel.  But I agree that Ha stars on their own are nice and tight - but the Gemini stars in the original Ha had enormous halos which I didn't like at all.

Thanks both for your kind words.


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Did you bin the L as well Chris ?, RGB is fine binned as it cuts down time & it is after all for the colour, purists always prefer unbinned though.

More Lum data would benefit this image no end.

Much light pollution where you are ? if so Ha Luminance is a better option to grab that detail, maybe blend with some R as well as the target is mainly red nebulocity.

The stars look a little over stretched in PS & are dominating the image too much i feel, process the Lum using Layers / Opacity.

Apologies if my comments come over 'too negative', they are not meant to be as i too am still climbing that processing curve, i look forward to having a crack at this now i have seen yours but my fov wont be as good.

Noel Carbonis Photoshop Actions are well worth the small outlay Chris, about £13.00 i think & they help no end with particular techniques.

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Thanks Ewan.  Any comments like this are extremely useful.  I did get L, unbinned, 11 exposures at 5 minutes each.   I pasted this on top of the  HaRGB.  

I don't have a great deal of light pollution, but I did have a problem with flats - had to try several times for each filter at different ADUs before they worked properly - not for dust, but for severe vignetting which I get with this set up.

I agree with you that more data would help this image - I'm just waiting for the weather! But particularly I think that I don't have enough time on the RGB, as well as the L, and I think next time I will try and get longer subs - using the originals to control the two stars, but hopefully getting more detail on the nebula.

Concerning Photoshop, I am not at all experienced with this, and at the moment have to force myself not to over-process.  I think that if I can find the time I will try and re-process to better control the stars.


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