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Hi, I'm looking to buy my first scope in the near future and need some advice deciding..

I live on a main road in inner London (and don't have a car) so light pollution and portability obviously is an issue. I also have a mild walking disability so carrying a big large telescope isn't feasible. I've decided that I need to get as big an aperture as I can possibly carry and for these reasons I've been looking at the 5" cassegrains. My absolute maximum budget all in is about £850 however I'd like to spend less than that, ideally around £750. 

I've figured that if I'm going to spend that amount of money on a scope, I'd like it to do as much as possible so that I don't need to upgrade for a considerable amount of time. I'm very interested in learning astrophotography so i'd like to be able to have the possibility to do so when I become adept enough. I'd be really interested at some point in the future being able to photograph some DSO's.  

I've been looking at the skywatcher 127 EQ3 GOTO for £612, the nexstar 127 SLT for £400 and the nexstar 5SE for £599. Obviously i'm aware that the 127 slt is on an alt az mount and not really suitable for astrophotography and the 5SE whereas it has a wedge, it is also not ideal for astrophotography either. (Or is it?)

I've been considering buying the 5SE and a equatorial mount however that will take me way over budget. A more viable option I think is to buy the Nexstar 127 SLT and a equatorial mount however I've been told that the 5SE is quite a lot better for DSO. 

My questions really are this; in comparison to the optics of the 127 SLT and the 5SE; where does the skywatcher 127 lie? Also how viable is astrophotography on the nexstar 5SE? Also are there any telescopes that i'm over looking?

Cheers, in advance.


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Althought I have no experience of Altazimuth mounts I believe the in-build wedge in the Celestron NexStar 5SE will solve the problem of objects appearing to revolve in the eyepiece/camera. If I had to chose another telescope again I'd probably go for this due to the convenience and speed of setting it up. My 200P is great for everything but a bit of a pain setting it up and dismantling it.

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the 5se although portable isn't something you want to carry far especially with a disability an eq mount has the same issues because of its counterweights. cassegrains are good scopes for visual and are pretty good on planetary imaging but they are not great for deep space long exposure photography unless you have a very good mount ie heavy. For truly portable astro photographty there are not many mounts that fit your criteria. there are the wide field mounts



these are only any good with camera and lenses

This may serve your needs although with a cassegrain I doubt that it will be accurate enough guided


It will however take a c5 spotter which is the same ota as the nexstar 5se

This is  little less portable its also new so there are no reviews


It takes a bit more weight so may be better

I would suggest buying this book first its become something of a classic when it comes to imaging deep space it tells you what you need to have and more importantly why as well as how to


If you want a lghtweight scope and mount that is easy to use in the city

my advice would be the c5 spotter on the ioptron mount and maybe a smaller apo later on when you have read the book

here is a link for the c5


other places sell it as well so shop around

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Cheers for the replies!

Astromartian, I thought that was the case too however I was told that for long exposure photograph's the field rotation is still evident. I'm not entirely sure however because i'm pretty much a novice regarding equipment. I was certain I was goin to buy the 5SE until I read that the wedge isn't great the DSO photography.

Happy-kat, the weight of the scope and mount is very important - apparently the Eq3 pro mount weighs 7.5kg and the skymax 127 telescope 3.3kgs (I could be wrong, these are all figures i've found on the internet) which is about my 'weight maximum'.

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Rowan - Cheers for all that. I've lifted a 5SE before and felt that it was feasibly 'carry-able' , if I was going any considerable distance within town I'd put it in a cab; or i'd be travelling with a suitcase/more than other people. Tbh, I *think* I could transport a 10kg locally kit by my self.  

I've just had a look at the C5 online and i've seen some reviews and it looks very good for planetary viewing.

When you say the C5 has the same ota as the 5SE, does that mean that the optic assembly is the same? Ie i'll be able to see the same objects?

I'll definitely buy that book, thanks very much!

Thanks everyone for the help! 

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Rowan - Cheers for all that. I've lifted a 5SE before and felt that it was feasibly 'carry-able' , if I was going any considerable distance within town I'd put it in a cab; or i'd be travelling with a suitcase/more than other people. Tbh, I *think* I could transport a 10kg locally kit by my self.  

I've just had a look at the C5 online and i've seen some reviews and it looks very good for planetary viewing.

When you say the C5 has the same ota as the 5SE, does that mean that the optic assembly is the same? Ie i'll be able to see the same objects?

I'll definitely buy that book, thanks very much!

Thanks everyone for the help! 

The c5 is the same optical assembly as the one on the 5se and the weight of the 5se is nearer 16 kg  then you will need a power pack of about 3kg then eyepieces and other bits I used to carry one on my back and although its doable its not comfortable. carry it from the house to the back garden and you don't notice it. carry it any further and it becomes noticable. Also the wedge feature on it is awful its difficult align and the eq tracking on the mount itself isn't brilliant. it's a fine visual mount but it isn't up to anything other than planetary photography

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Hi, a good friend of mine lives in Kingston on a main road (probably as much light pollution as you can get). He has a Skywatcher evostar 120 on an eq 3 mount. He regularly get excellent views of the planets and some other brighter objects. 

The scope is a good size that he can transport it quite easily to richmond park where he can get better views. Might be worth taking a look at this one.

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Hi, a good friend of mine lives in Kingston on a main road (probably as much light pollution as you can get). He has a Skywatcher evostar 120 on an eq 3 mount. He regularly get excellent views of the planets and some other brighter objects. 

The scope is a good size that he can transport it quite easily to richmond park where he can get better views. Might be worth taking a look at this one.

Its a nice scope but its not easily portable but you are right it is worth taking a look

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I had a look at the 6 as well but the mount still isn't EQ is it?

Just another question, the C5 obviously has no mount; so i'm guessing isn't GOTO? (Correct me if i'm wrong). Now the Ioptron mount says it's computerised; does that mean it can add GOTO capabilities or does that mean essentially that it follows the tracked object? 

Matt, cheers for that. I'll definitely look into it, that's reeeaaally cheap in comparison as well!

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I had a look at the 6 as well but the mount still isn't EQ is it?

Just another question, the C5 obviously has no mount; so i'm guessing isn't GOTO? (Correct me if i'm wrong). Now the Ioptron mount says it's computerised; does that mean it can add GOTO capabilities or does that mean essentially that it follows the tracked object? 

Matt, cheers for that. I'll definitely look into it, that's reeeaaally cheap in comparison as well!

the ioptron smart eq is goto

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