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Alternatives to a Dob for observing

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I recently purchased a Skywatcher Skyliner 200p Dob and I am very happy with what I have managed to see through it so far. I intend trading up to something with GOTO & tracking in a few months from now and had it in mind to go for a 12" or 14" Skywatcher Flextube Dob but, based on what I have been doing with the 200p, I think these will be too heavy for me to lug around the garden.

I have spent an hour or so browsing around SGL and the FLO website to try to find alternative styles of telescope that are suitable for observing (as apposed to AP) that would be easier to move around but would still give me a very good viewing experience. Despite serching I cannot find any clues as to which type of scope I could consider when I trade up. The budget I have set myself is £1,000, which means I'll probably spend £1,500 :smiley:

Does anyone have any advice on the type of thing I should be considering as an alternative to a bigger Dob?


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Can't imagine anything being easy once you go to 12 or 14 inch apertures. Dob mounts are really the only way to use such large apertures . Even if you used tripod mounted ( alt/ az or e/q) can't see it being any easier.

I don't know if truss dobs are lighter ?

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Can't imagine anything being easy once you go to 12 or 14 inch apertures. Dob mounts are really the only way to use such large apertures . Even if you used tripod mounted ( alt/ az or e/q) can't see it being any easier.

I don't know if truss dobs are lighter ?

Rory is right here, 14" aperture is difficult and expensive to mount, and the lightest and cheapest way is the dobsonian mount. A C14 for example needs at least an NEQ-6 (which would probably only just do for visual), but is more likely to need a CGEM-DX (~£1.7k) or CGE Pro (~£4.2k) / Mesu (~€4.4k) etc.

Have a look at Orion Optics (UK) dobs, they are much lighter than their SW equivalents :).

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It isn't so much the weight of the Dob as much as the sheer physical size of the thing that makes it difficult to lug around.

Does anyone have experience of using the Celestron CPC 800 GPS (XLT) for observing?

It is heavier than the 200p Dob but looks more portable, especially if disassembled.

It can be quite bulky, but even my 10" is fine as long as I transport it in two parts. The CPC800 probably is quite portable but most certainly will be heavier than the 200P dob. Don't forget you'll need quite a stable tripod (1.75" Steel at least) for it which adds to the bulk somewhat ;).

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