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video capture with mac? what software?


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Hi all, I have just bought and modified an xbox live webcam to try my hand at capturing stuff via my mac. This is where I get stuck. I have photobooth and imovie on the mac but these don't seem suitable for astro stuff.

Can you please recommend me a (preferrably free) video capture program that allows for manual exposure control of the camera. 

FYI, camera was modified to remove 'on' LED indicators and remove the IR filter. I'll be 3D printing the 1.25" adapter tomorrow (forgot to pick the camera up this morning to measure it!)


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Hi there,

with the XBOX webcam I used to use Photobooth and it was OK for the moon only, with everything else it was a big problem since it did not allow to change settings.

You could try Camwiz, as it allows to change some settings,

but if I am not wrong, these Apps on Mac, rather then controlling the webcam sensor itself through the drivers, they will just record the signal as it is (with default values) and modify the values like the brightness in post processing, making them useless.

In my case I had installed a virtual machine with an image of Windows XP inside and all worked flawlessly (using Sharpcap etc)

Clear Skies

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