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Best session so far

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I had my third session with  my new Celestron 8SE and the conditions, although not perfect were much better than previously.  The moon was out  which limited the views of DSOs but I found M31 and could see the oval smudge with a brighter round center - brilliant!  I then looked at Jupiter with four moons and the Earths moon and the views were fantastic.  My wife came out for a while and had a look, she was very very impressed and wants to see more.

I found that for medium power, using a GSO 32mm plossl with a 2x BST barlow was a better view than a 9.7mm Meade 4000, it was lower magnification but the view was better and additional eye relief made viewing a lot easier.

I was also surprised that despite the moonglow  I could see M31 and M42, M42 wasn't as well defined as when I viewed it a couple of weeks ago when the moon wasn't up but it was easily seen.

I think I'm hooked and the wife as well :smiley:

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