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Does anyone have a photo of the night sky...


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This is something to check out at a library or book shop. Might fit the bill.

The book 'Stargazing with Binoculars' by Robin Scagell costs just 7.99 pounds (only 3.99 on Amazon) and has a series of photographs of the night sky (through the seasons and different aspects) as you would actually see it from a town rather than in a perfect sky.

It's in between the perfect sky of sky maps and major light pollution where you only see ten stars! Helps you to identify constellations as you would actually see them.


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Why does this happen?

I read a thread, which leads me off to another site, from which I then end up spending money and ordering stuff.

Checked out the listed book (above) and couldn't clicking through to those "What other people bought" items, found some interesting books and bought some.

It's all good though :D


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Checked out the listed book (above) and couldn't clicking through to those "What other people bought" items, found some interesting books and bought some.

That gets me every time as well, but a second book usually gets you into the 'free postage' offer so its (kind of) justifyable? :D

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That was exactly the reason!

I bought one book and it stated to add another £11 to get free delivery.. lol so why not!

I was going to buy the other book anyway, so this way I get it sooner and save on postage.

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