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Are these filters OK for planetary imaging with mono camera?


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Hi all,

One of my (very kind!) astro-society friends has loaned me a planetary camera to use - it's the Lumenera LU075M, which I understand is a mono camera.  I've got it all set up and everything installed and working with my laptop, so I'm good to go with Jupiter when it gets dark later.

Initially I'll probably just go with mono imaging to get the hang of the camera (I've had the Philips SPC9000 for a while so have dabbled before in planetary imaging). However, just wondering what I would need to do to get a colour image if I wanted to.  Am I correct in thinking I would need to take three separate images/video captures with a red, a green then a blue filter attached, then somehow combine them in post-processing?  

Now this one might be a really stupid question... but I have a filter set with the celestron eyepiece set that I bought when I got my first scope.  Will the red, green and blue filters that came with the kit work, or do I need to have special imaging filters?

And will that even work with Jupiter - if I have to take three lots of videos won't the planet have rotated enough to cause blurring anyway? Does anyone manage to successfully image Jupiter that way, and if what would you recommend in terms of video length?

Thanks very much

Matsey :)

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Far better than using dodgy filters you can combine your spc webcam with the mono cam to produce colour images. The colour and mono images are combined using winjupos even if they are a different size and orientation winjupos will combine them into one image.

An IR 742 filter would be a very good purchase (around £35) for the mono cam as this works very well in poor seeing.

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so I shouldnt get rid of my neximage 1 when I upgrade and will get  better results with combining the neximage pics with a mono  ZWO ASI 120 or even a ZWO ASI 130MM as opposed to just using the images from the colour version (ZWO ASI 120MC)? Aren't the resolutions of the camera's very different?

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