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Jupiter from 200p and DSLR


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great pictures there

I noticed that you mentioned that you had stacked frames from a video, is there any chance I could get nice pictures using a single exposure? If so any idea of the settings (ie exp, apareture and iso)?

I did take a few single exposures but you don't really get any detail to be honest. Not with my scope anyway.

As for settings i use ISO 200 as anything higher is over exposed for me and my DSLR is mounted direct to the scope via a x2Barlow so you can't choose aperture size.

When shooting the video I play around with various shutter speeds and tend to find in the region of 1/200 works for the images above but it changes depending on how good conditions are.

Hope this helps :)

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post-27836-0-06262000-1389720440.jpgpost-27836-0-06262000-1389720440.jpgHi Lee,

I found it very interesting reading your post as I attempted Jupiter using a 200p still on a dobs mount (until funds & partner) allow :) & a Canon 600d, no Barlow but my dslr has the digital crop/zoom mode so recorded  a vid of 1:30secs at x3. It's a stack of 2152 frames from a possible 2376. Run through pipp, stacked in AS2, wavelets in registax6 & tidied up in PS CS3.

I done this image Saturday night. As soon as I collected my data the clouds came rolling in "typical welsh/british weather". Quite lucky :)

I thought you would be interested as they are similar.



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That is impressive. Might have a go with my Dob.

Didn't think it would be in field of view long enough... but this proves otherwise.

Ryan very nice pic mate :)

The beauty of filming is you can track the planet mate so you don't need to worry about how long it's in your FOV :) just start filming and manually track the planet just don't go above 5 minutes as Jupiter spins very fast.

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Can you track well smoothly enough with a Dob? Don't the nudges ruin the movie?

the beauty if shooting a movie is the programs we use automatically find and use the best frames so as long as you get a few decent frames then it doesn't matter how much you throw the scope around :)

I tend to let the planet travel across the field of view a bit then adjust the scope ahead of it and let it travel through again that way you limit how much you bob the scope around.

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Thanks both. I didn't  think of moving the scope to keep it in fov as I thought keeping it steady was critical but will take your advice and give it a whirl when weather permits. Hopefully in a few months I wont need to worry about this as a NEQ6 is on the list.

Can I ask Lee, when stacking what % of good frames do you use? I went for 50% in AS2 for this.



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Thanks both. I didn't think of moving the scope to keep it in fov as I thought keeping it steady was critical but will take your advice and give it a whirl when weather permits. Hopefully in a few months I wont need to worry about this as a NEQ6 is on the list.

Can I ask Lee, when stacking what % of good frames do you use? I went for 50% in AS2 for this.



I noticed that you never used a Barlow for that image. The x2 Barlow that came with your 200p should be threaded so you can attach that to your DSLR in case you never noticed :)

As for the amount of frames I stack it depends on the quality of the vid when I analyse it in Autostakkert so different every time. However I find that around 40-50% seems to work best.

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My 200p did not come with a barlow, I am curious why it didn't now. :( It came with the standard 10 & 25mm ep's, a 2inch ep adapter & on the barrel there is a t-mount thread which I connect my dslr to with a t-ring. Did yours include the same?

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My 200p did not come with a barlow, I am curious why it didn't now. :( It came with the standard 10 & 25mm ep's, a 2inch ep adapter & on the barrel there is a t-mount thread which I connect my dslr to with a t-ring. Did yours include the same?

yep all the same plus a x2 Barlow. Very strange.

I bought mine from Wex Photographic and it's the SW Explorer 200p EQ5.

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