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Skytee 2 balancing


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Been considering putting another saddle where the weight arm currently is, however I'm unsure as to how I will get the mount correctly balanced between the 2 scopes.

At the moment its a bit hit and miss as this mount is not like an eq where it can be precisely balanced.

Is there a formula which I can use to find out the offset distance and weight concerned to equalise between scopes (i.e. 7kg scope offset by 75mm on main saddle will need ?kg ?mm from centre on opposite saddle to balance) or should I just carry on winging it?


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The mathematics involved are beyond me, though I'm sure someone here will know a formula. It would be helpful to know which two scopes, and their respective weights, you're attempting to mount.

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Ok here goes:

The overall width of the skytee 2 (withought weight bar and with new saddle) will be 340mm

From the centre column it will be 145mm to the original saddle and 195mm to the new saddle.

The 200pds on original saddle will be 9.4kg (no ep weight) and the Ikharus 102mmED will be 5.1kg on the new saddle (no diagonal or ep)

As the 102 is further from the fulcrum than the pds it may be ok, I would like to check though.

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