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£99 bino views?


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hi all, i was hoping someone could fill me in on the possible use with my scopes of these bino views that are now £99, would they work on my st 150 and my tal 100r? thanks :lol:

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That would give you plenty of travel Col, the binos are great for lunar, planetary and the brighter DSO's, but Denks they arn't, but then again I couldn't afford Denks anyway.... :lol:

For 99 quid they are a great deal IMHO, I paid £160 for mine!!!

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Bottom line Col is that they arn't as good as the others, but they do give great views on a range of objects and they are certainly good for the money. They havn't cut costs by making a duff product which might be a concern?

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Only the brighter DSOs in my experience, I used mine with my 150mm Helios with no problems. I think if you buy them assuming they'll be good on planets and the Moon, OK on bright DSOs and poor on faint stuff then you won't be disappointed.


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thanks gaz, yeah i think i have a more realistic expectation of my st 150 now, didnt know about them when i bought it, and hardly had chance to try it , so im just getting to know it now, or when i can with this weather, :lol:

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Hi Col,

The largest size EP you can use with those binos are 24mm plossels any bigger than the and you get vignetting. The other thing to consider is the binos themselves act as a kind of Barlow to give you more magnification than you'd usually get from you eyepieces.

I use a pair of 17mm and a pair of 9mm, but that decision was based on EPs I already had, if I was starting from scratch with your ST 150 I'd go for a pair of 20mm and a pair of 7-8mm.


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