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stacking the sun

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Hi All,

So I've got a run of a sun surface close-up of an interesting sunspot group, taken with a DSLR, have about 150 frames of which 20 or so are good quality - can see granulation on the surface, good detail in the spots etc, focus looks good.  There's no limb present in the frames.

However, I'm really struggling to stack them - Autostakkert gave a recognisable but very blurred stack, Maxim DL gave garbage (auto correlation), DSS won't even try (no stars).  Registax did the best, see below, but this is not a patch on any of the individual frames:


Interesting that on the Registax stack, the very small spots look quite sharp, I guess it used those as align-points, but the big spots have lost all detail, I guess it doesn't do a uniform shift of all the frame.  (also interesting that there are so many small sunspots, I thought).

Any tips on how I can stack this data better ?  I let AS!2 and Registax choose their own align-points, maybe I should be more specific ?

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Sorry about that .

Pesky edit feature timed out on me half-way through ....  :p

I'll try again .

My fear is that if this is the best sub of the bunch you will struggle to get much from the stack , it looks a long way from being in focus to my eyes ...  :embarassed:

To justify the comment , here's my take on the region in question , a crop from a Full Disc shot made stacking just six frames ...


Focus is the most critical factor in any imaging and Solar is no exception , unfortunately the daytime atmosphere can play havoc with attaining focus , patience is the key , no quick 'chuck on a Bahtinov mask' fix here.

It's a case of getting what you think is focus and then monitoring the screen until you see the detail 'pop' out , if you don't see it after a minute then tweak focus and monitor again , it will become obvious when the detail jumps out at you , it's just a matter of patience.

When it does pop then lock the focuser very gently and rattle off a set of 100 or so frames , and then go through them to pick out the crisp ones , discard all the rest as they'll do nothing to improve the result.

Ten very good frames will beat 60 poor ones every time ...  :smiley:

Happy hunting ....  :laugh:

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  • 1 month later...

Apologies for bumping an old post, but finally got round to processing this one:


I'm not surprised I was having difficulties stacking it, the seeing was terrible - I could see the geometry of the group on the right literally change before my eyes from one shot to the next.  Guess I should get up earlier before the atmosphere heats up.  Final image was 3 frames from about 110, stacked with DynamicAlign in Pixinsight, and even that was a struggle.

Still not as good as Steve's though   :cry:

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Can often be confusing between seeing and focus , the details can appear to be suffering from bad seeing when in fact the focus is just fractionally off .

I have an advantage with a USB controlled focus set-up and I would struggle without it , knowing there's a slight shift in focus from the centre of disc to the limb highlights just how critical it is , and how hard to judge at times.

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