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skywatcher explorer 200 vs 12 inch dob

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hi all some of you may have seen my post about a revelation 12 inch dob recently,im stuck between the choice of 2 scopes now as well as looking at the 12 ich dob i have now seen a skywatcher explorer 200p at a good price.im still more or less a beginner and finding it hard to make my mind up due to this being the last upgrade for a while even tho i know the dob is a much bigger scope but id like to do a little bit of imaging on a eq mount.the skywatcher has had some exellent feedback from research i have been doing also the revelation has too but is not a very well known scope at this moment in time.the mirror size between the 2 is a big difference but im not sure what the end results would be like any info would be great.i have an astromaster 130 at the mo and have about £500 to spend on a bigger scope ,many thanks :smiley:

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The two telescopes you are contemplating are very different.  Have you seen these scopes 'in the flesh' ?    That could decide it. Many are happy with a 12" Dob, but it would best to see one up close to decide if the size and weight are right for you.

If you may be thinking of imaging, don't know how good the 200p and it's EQ mount is for that, hopefully someone else may advise.  Not trying to put you off, but successful imaging is a steep learning curve.

So if you can get to a retailer with a showroom, could be your best first move.

Regards, Ed.

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I reckon if you went for a 200P on a standard EQ5 then you could easily spend as much again to turn it into a usable imaging system.  And it would always be near the edge of the envelope for imaging because the scope is so close to the limits of the mount.  It can be done, but don't labour under the illusion that it won't be a tricky path.

A 12" dob is a lovely thing and will knock your socks off visually, but I'd have a look at it (and try to move it about the place) first.


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