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What accessories should I get for me new (old) scope


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I have just bought another new toy. Specifically a Bresser AR90 on a MON1 which basically an EXOS1 with slightly different screws, I think it's somewhere between a EQ3 and EQ5, whatever it is my wife went to move it and said "Good heavens how extremely heavy that is" (or words to that effect she's from Glasgow so that wasn't exactly the phrase!). Anyway that came from ebay for £73. £73 was less than I expected to pay for it as I was also watching an R102 (tube only) which went for £91. I also deliberately bid low as I had an inkling that my wife was thinking of buying me a scope for christmas so it was only worth upsetting those plans if it was cheap. So of course yesterday evening my wife comes in sees the scope in the living room and says "well that's that idea out of the window".

The scope came with three Plossls (10mm, 15mm, 25mm) and a barlow. Longer term I'd like to try imaging which I know this scope is not up to but it would be interesting to try anyway just as a proof of concept exercise. So at some point I'd expect to look for a better scope and mount at which point I'll keep this scope as something to take to the outreach and public events that I also have some involvement with. That better scope and mount could be HEQ5 / NEQ6, ED120 / Quattro newt etc. so it's a different league altogether. So the question is what to accessorise the current toy with.

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Hmm now I'm wondering if I could either get the Mrs to buy a load of eyepieces etc that might do for a better scope in future or if that mount might take a 120 frac. Longer term now I have a scope and a mount I expect I'll upgrade each half in turn. So a 120 frac on that mount (might be short enough tube to take it), then an HEQ5 / NEQ6 at which point it's turned into two scopes, then a ... and repeat ad infinitum.

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