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2nd attempt at Jupiter 30/11/13


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I've previously tried Jupiter with a webcam and got this (heavy LP in the middle of the city) :


Here is last night's attempt to image Jupiter in the middle of Plymouth again (seeing was poor). This time I used a Baader Hyperion zoom (8mm) and a Canon 600D. I took as many pictures as I could before the camera battery went, then stuck them through Registax :


The Great Red Spot is visible, as are (faintly) Europa and Io. The slight smudge in cloudband to the left of the GRS is the shadow of Europa. Next time, I think I need to go out to Dartmoor in the hope of better seeing conditions.

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I was intending to use the camera to video the planet, rather than use multiple stills, but I couldn't get it to reduce the exposure, so Jupiter just whited out each time. Does anybody have any experience with using a Canon to video planets?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not bad, I'm at a similar stage, need some software to set the quickcam pro webcam on video and change the exposure settings. I'm going to have to invest in some arctic expedition gear though if I'm going to be able to work outside long enough to get any decent images!

 Keep working on Jupiter and I hope to get something over christmas if the weather behaves!

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Not bad, I'm at a similar stage, need some software to set the quickcam pro webcam on video and change the exposure settings. I'm going to have to invest in some arctic expedition gear though if I'm going to be able to work outside long enough to get any decent images!

Keep working on Jupiter and I hope to get something over christmas if the weather behaves!

Sharp cap is free and allows you to change the camera gain, shutter, lightness etc.
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Hi gomtuu, noob in imaging so might sound silly but u say u got that with 8mm ep and canon 600, was that on a piggyback coz I tryed to take some with my 700d and t adaptor butnever could find it on the liveview, dont know what im doing wrong, do I need a laptop and software to find it bang on, thx


I used a Baader Hyperion zoom eyepiece on my 200 PDS, with the 600D attached to a T-ring screwed on to the eyepiece, so it was afocal projection, rather than prime focus (where the camera is directly attached to the scope). I first centred Jupiter at 24mm then zoomed in to the 8mm setting, keeping Jupiter central. I then attached the T-ring and camera. It was quite difficult to get focus and I had to use some extension rings on the bottom of the eyepiece to achieve it, but I had no problem with liveview, because the camera was just looking at what the eyepiece was already seeing. I haven't tried prime focus yet.

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I'm going to have to invest in some arctic expedition gear though if I'm going to be able to work outside long enough to get any decent images!

Indeed. Just taken delivery of a pair of snow boots!

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I used a Baader Hyperion zoom eyepiece on my 200 PDS, with the 600D attached to a T-ring screwed on to the eyepiece, so it was afocal projection, rather than prime focus (where the camera is directly attached to the scope). I first centred Jupiter at 24mm then zoomed in to the 8mm setting, keeping Jupiter central. I then attached the T-ring and camera. It was quite difficult to get focus and I had to use some extension rings on the bottom of the eyepiece to achieve it, but I had no problem with liveview, because the camera was just looking at what the eyepiece was already seeing. I haven't tried prime focus yet.

Just to be pendantic..... :grin:

If you attach a camera without a lense, it is eyepiece projection, afocal is with lense attached.

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Gom,oh ok so u can put a ep in the t adaptor and then fit the cam,I wrote that on a post last week and someone looked at me funny,thought I was doing it wrongSent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No, the T adapter goes on top of the eyepiece, then camera on top.

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