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Latest Jupiter exploits with Philips ToUCam

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Hi everyone - last night I managed to nip out and set up before the clouds rolled in. Over my shoulder they slowly hedged in from the North and West so I willed them to slow down until I'd got some decent images of Jupiter. 

I imaged with the webcam to scope (6mm focal length so 125x), firstly over gaining to get the moons, then lowered the gain and exposure to get Jupiter. Stacked in Registax 6.


Callisto, Europa (about to Transit), Io and Ganymede


Then I added my 2x Barlow (250x) and stacked in AutoStakkert2, edited in Photoshop, then wavelets in Registax 6.


Comments please!!

The last one was a 3 min avi clip btw. 

Also a question - would it make sense to get a 3x Barlow and use with this webcam - I have a 6" Skywatcher 150p - that would reduce the focal length of the webcam to 2mm is that right?



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Great work! Yes the third image is great. Smashing. You must be really pleased.

What is the focal length of your scope in mm? And what is its focal ratio (f/5?).

It looks like your system could take a barlow of some description.

JamesF frequents the fora and he is a good person to comment on what sort your system could take.

There is an excellent essay in the 2014 yearbook of astronomy on imaging jupiter; put it on your christmas list, and only a tenner off amazon.

But great start to your planetary imaging. I've not had much luck lately! Lol.

I would have gone a bit easier on the processing in the third image (gone easier with the wavelets) so it looked a bit softer, and in my mind a bit more natural looking. But that is just my opinion. But still fantastic work :)


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I like the third one.  Hoping to have a crack at Jupiter myself next weekend.

Also a question - would it make sense to get a 3x Barlow and use with this webcam - I have a 6" Skywatcher 150p - that would reduce the focal length of the webcam to 2mm is that right?

Yes, I'd say so.  I have a 2" 2x barlow and a 1.5" 2x barlow, and more by luck than judgement I can put one in the other and still get focus, gets results like this

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