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Orion Nebula with my Apollo 15x70.


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Hi. After finally getting use to my new Apollo 15x70 binoculars I put them to the test by picking out a few DSO tonight and first up was the Orion Nebula M42 / M43 which looked fantastic. I seen a nice grey mist around the two stars very close together which was quite visible with the Apollo binoculars .

The detail was very good and so much closer was the view I could study it abit more. I changed over to my Helios Naturesport-Plus 10x50 just to see the difference and the object looked so much smaller in these with the two stars just about visible but no where near as detailed , the stars in both was pin point sharp. The Orion Nebula is a fantastic sight in any binoculars but even more so in my Apollo .

I then moved over to Pleiades M45 which looked fantastic again. The main stars just popped out in these with a real nice blue colour with fainter stars around them. The field of view was filled with this nice sight and I wish I could of taken a photo of what I seen because it is well worth it in the Apollo , all the stars was pin point again.

Andromeda was again more visible and I could study it a bit more but not much with it being right above me ( neck & shoulders was killing me with these big things lol ) . Andromeda was a nice sight as always. To think I was looking at some think so massive and so far away is abit unreal.

Had a good few hour tonight but I think a mount for these will improve my view no end .

Soon as I learn the night sky I'm sure they will bring out a lot more for me.

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I looked at 15x70s but decided that they would probably shake too much. You could try lying back in a garden recliner - that way, you can see the stuff directly overhead and rest the bins on your face. A mount is probably better, but in the meantime... Pleiades looks great in my 10x50s, so I would think the 15x70s would give them even more of a wow factor.

Nice report!

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