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Night 2 of first moon shots....

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That is really crisp. Is that just a single shot or a stacked image? It's very nice. A bit gloomy, but that can easily be fixed. But focus looks bang-on on my phone. Good work.


Hey James.

Single shot. Took around 130 last night, but am still going through them. Better than my first nights attempts :)

Thanks for the comment.


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If you can achieve that sharpness in a single shot, you should get stacking and you would have an absolutely cracking image.

I did my first mosaic the other night, just playing around. I needed four panels to cover the whole moons surface. It was a doodle to do! Here is he link:


It will be good to see what you can achieve.

Good lick and a great start.


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I would say its a bit under exposed ,and your focus is slightly of a tad but it's a good start,you may want to up the expo a tad and do a few test shots ,the moon as a lot of sharp edges and it's not that easy to get sharp focus ,try zooming the image and then tweak the focus whilst zoomed and in live view

As stated to get a better run on things you do need to stack them up a bit. I would suggest registax 5 to start with you may have to take your image size down a touch because registax hates massive raw files esp registax 6 ,so use registax 5 for now


If you have probs stacking raw images which you should not then convert to JPEG ( hi hear the sighs and grunts but for test purpose) as these will stack a lot quicker and eos utility will do this

Good luck and remember knowledge is power so keep asking and you will get the results you need


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