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Tenerife astro-tourism


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Quite an informative article spotted in the Daily Mail Online by my wife, about astro-tourism on Tenerife -


I've done some widefield imaging from Las Canadas, and boy is it dark and clear up there at 2000m. About an hour's drive from the coast. You can check the obs webcam from your hotel to make sure it's clear  before you set off.

Early December astro-hol for ISON spotting anyone?

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I usually go around this time of year to Tenerife although I want to wait until next year so I can see different stuff.

Last time I spent a couple of nights at the Paradors, on the Teide plateau during the Geminids. Amazingly clear skies on both nights but the Geminids, although frequent, were not much cop. Some nice random fireballs though.

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I keep pushing for a trip here and it just never happens.

Plus now I have found that a ferry runs from the south of Spain I really want to go but I don't think I can swindle a trip there any time soon.

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My finger is paused over the "book your flights" button for Tenerife next February. 

I doubt I'll get any star gazing in. We don't leave the resort these days. Well, I do but only aboard dive boats :)

I mentioned a "dinner under the stars" stargazing type excursion when we were there last month but to no avail.

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I'll be in Tenerife from next Monday.  :smiley:

I wish I was :Envy: :Envy: :Envy: :Envy:

I'm seriously considering hopping on a flight early December to catch Ison as it comes back around the Sun (if it hasn't already broken up). I'm just trying to remember how high the horizon is once you get into Las Canadas. There may be other places on Tenerife but I think that will be the only place with a good chance of clear skies.

Peter, last night at Heaton Park Astronomy Group we were discussing maybe having a group trip to the Astronomy Centre one Saturday night. Probably half a dozen or so. Would you need advance notice or do we just turn up?



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Hello Pete. You will be welcome to visit and can just turn up but it would be nice to know when you are coming so that we can maximise your visit.  :smiley:

Thanks Peter. We'll let you guys know before we come. Enjoy Tenerife.

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