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First go at imaging jupes (with no success hehe)


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Well it's a starting point I suppose....

I won't post the pics I have because they're rather embarrasing! (And I'm now in bed)

Right, so I attach my canon 700d to my 200p dob and aim at Jupiter. First focus errrrm...!

The first one I go for I just got he focus as good as I could in the viewfinder and took a few snaps and a 1min video. Then I focused on the moon and turned the scope back to Jupiter and took some more snaps and another vid.

After running my footage through pipp and registax I could see that the focus was off somewhat!

Now the whole image of Jupiter looked too bright to be able to bring any detail out, the moons were clearly visable in the footage.

I'm under the impression you really have to under expose your image?? Thinking about it from the images of Jupiter I've seen on here I don't recall seeing the moons in the same shot, is that because of the darkness of the underexposed pictures or am I completely barking up the wrong tree??

If someone could shed some light on canon settings they use and how to obtain great focus I would appreciate it a lot!!

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I to tried jupiter it's really bad seeing here I had the c 9.25 and dmk 21 and filter wheel ready to go and boy was the seeing rubbish ,even tho to the naked eye things looked good it was terrible seeing there's always another day keep at it


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Thanks chris. I remember changing something to 80, I think it was the 'stretch histogram'

I'll have another crack tonight.

This will ensure the histogram is is consistent at 80% over all frames and this certainly can help RegiStax.  However, you need to be sure that the raw capture video's histogram does not reach 100% or your data will be clipped and there is no recovering it after that.



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I am not sure how the exposure meter on a DSLR works, does the large black area in the image offset the reported value so the bright bits are overexposed?

There are a few DSLR planetary imagers on here who should be able to comment.

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High to me this is a great image it shows the moons which is brill if you took images like this over the period of a few hours it would make a great animation,as already stated the expo is a little high but hey still a good one try a lower expo next time and you was right about slightly under expo in the image i found it very hard to image planets with a dslr get round friends and family for old web cams also if you have the dreaded Facebook get on there and ask around loads have them tucked away in cupboards. And you can u can get a adapter cheap of e bay ect I have a dmk21 ,I got on face book and got a free Logitech had webcam it's brill for doing planets and the moon and take in video in general, I like this image ,and I like even more that you have had the guts to stick it on here amongst your peers


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Ha cheers pat, I don't care let them laugh, you've got to start somewhere right?!

I'd really just like to use my scope and dslr for now. I know my way around the dslr bit as I've found out everything changes when am connected to a scope! Ill get there mate, one way or another :)

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Yeah I was on around 1/20, I guess I had the ISO too high after taking a meter reading first then aiming for a good exposure.

One thing that's bothering me tho is focus. I've read about these bahnitov masks bit I've also read that after you've focused on a distant star you still need to tweak for planets. I thought onced you've focused at infinity that would be it????

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One thing that's bothering me tho is focus. I've read about these bahnitov masks bit I've also read that after you've focused on a distant star you still need to tweak for planets. I thought onced you've focused at infinity that would be it????

 I'd agree with you, sounds like nonsense to me, infinity focus shud be fine

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