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An Open Letter to the Oort Cloud


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Dear Sir,

I am writing to complain to you about the current crop of "Comet of the Century"s, which are failing to live up to the hype. Or indeed be visible in the sky. I remember in the 90's when you couldn't go out at night without seeing a bright long-period comet, but as with everything these days, comets aren't what they used to be.

I am writing with partcular regards to Comet ISON, which I schlepped out of bed at an unearthly hour to try to view. I tried from the street then walked around the block but at no point in my local area was I able to see the Eastern horizon. I could just about see Spica, but comet there was none. It's not like I could go to the park with the deer cull on. This was probably my last chance to get out there to see it, what with the weather forecast and the likelihood of it exploding when it gets closer to the sun, and it's like yet another PANSTARRS, a similarly poorly placed comet. So next time could you please send one down that's in a decent position in the sky rather than right next to the horizon at an awkward time?

Thank goodness for Comet Lovejoy which at least had the decency to be at zenith at 6 in the morning. I could see coma, but only a hint that it had a tail. This has, for now, satisfied my comet needs. Oh, and there was a brilliant green fireball that shot overhead from the direction of Leo leaving a smoking trail and everything. That was a nice touch but seeing as the Leonids come from a short-period comet, you can't really claim the credit for that one now can you?



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I liked the bit about not being able to get a view of the eastern horizon. In my case, nature has conspired to place a tree right in the way of where ISON rises. If ISON was just a few degrees further to the right there'd be a lovely gap of 30 degrees or so with a view right down to the horizon....from my bedroom window.  But no, ISON wants to hide behind the tree. So I had to wander down to the end of the garden at 6am, with the neighbour's net curtains twitching and people no doubt wondering what I was doing pointing a pair of binoculars in the direction of their house. But despite the Moon and the cold and the Oort cloud not arranging a more convenient orbit for my viewing...I did finally see ISON.

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I'm with Mr Dangerous on this one.

Comets aren't what they were.....

Although Ison was busy putting on its "greatest display yet" for the Daily Mail newspaper yesterday (googled not purchased!!). Maybe that is where it was when you were seeking it?


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I was really excited then, because I thought the Oort cloud had responded to my request! I'll wait in hope.

I still haven't seen ISON, but it was cloudy this morning. If the skies would clear on Saturday or Sunday morning I could get in the park and see it fairly easily. Plus there's the tantalising chance of getting my 'scope on Mars for the first time and even Mercury, which I've only ever managed to get a look at once.

Although Ison was busy putting on its "greatest display yet" for the Daily Mail newspaper yesterday (googled not purchased!!). Maybe that is where it was when you were seeking it?

According to the Daily Mail, comet ISON is a vicious left-wing conspiracy - a dangerous immigrant to this part of the solar system that will crash into the Earth, steal our benefits / jobs and give us all cancer. If you vote UKIP then things like comets won't happen! Or something.

The media have been saying all sorts of rubbish about the comet leading to all my non-astro mates at work asking me frankly bizarre questions about it. I won't get started on the media and science though; it's been a long day, I'm tired and I was in a building that got struck by a freak lightning bolt - it's been a weird day...


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