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Registax nightmare.


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Well, as well as NightBoy, I have learnt a lot from this thread. The clouds mostly cleared away tonight, so I risked going out with the camera to try to take some more moon photos to try out some of the techniques described here. I do not have a scope I can mount the camera on, so I was just taking shots at 300mm zoom with the DSLR on a tripod and then getting PIPP to centre and let me crop them down to the 800x800 that the moon was in (about 1/6th of the width of the frame). I tried to be clever and used Backyard EOS to carefully raise the mirror before taking the shot to reduce vibration. 200 frames done this way, occasionally needing to recenter the moon in the frame. Then I disconnected the camera from the PC and banged out another 200 frame by turning the drive on, on the camera and just holding the shutter button until it had banged out 200 frames.

Each batch was cropped and centered in PPIP, and then loaded into Registax 5. The carefully taken shots suffered horrible field rotation and despite checking the "rotate images" button in registax, it refused to stack anything. The 200 frames banged out as quick as can be didn't turn out half bad:


The camera was focussed on a bright star before each batch, so any focussing problems are either the seeing tonight, or I have reached the limit of the lenses ability.

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