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More Registax help please.


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Yes - When starting the wavelets stage you can click on a particular part of the image if you wish, otherwise it assumes you want to work on the position of your align box.  When you have the wavelets done nicely you click on "Do All" and the whole image will be processed.  This can take a few seconds.  Then save your image.  If you are not happy with your wavelets you can click on "Reset" and start again - but do this before you save.

You can also save your image before doing any wavelets - well worth doing as you can try lots of different wave settings and get some practice.  Wavelets is a bit of a "black art" and almost every image is different!

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Excellent - much better than a single frame!  It is a steep learning curve but the first one is the most difficult and time consuming.  I remember when I started out - there seemed an endless list of different software to learn!  It soon starts to make sense.

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