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Heart Soul Ha and Double Cluster HaRGB


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Here are my two latest:

1) Heart and Soul in Ha

I finally got around to finishing this image and it was not easy to process.  I used several images around the net as a basic framework to get an idea of what I liked and what I disliked about each one and after gathering that list, I set off to work.  One thing I noticed early on in my processing was how much Ha there really is in this area of the sky.  I really wanted to bring this out and I think I succeeded.  Ooooooolly :)   You said there was no signal in this area, but there is plenty!

I didn't reduce the stars and left them alone.  I may do that at a later time. 


2)  Double Cluster in HaRGB

This one is by no means complete.  I totally screwed up the acquisition of the stars and took insanely long exposures - 600s - nearly eliminating all colour.  If the weather ever clears in this part of the world, I will redo the RGB data and capture some more luminance to further highlight the dark nebulosity to the top left.  Only 4h of Ha and there is so much signal that I'm completely surprised by it.   It's a fairly unique look to the Double Cluster and I'm only aware of one other image like this ... and it's way better than mine (ok he has over 10 years imaging experience).


Please don't be shy with your criticism(s) - love/hate the colour, too bright, too dark ... whatever, I'm an adult!  Only way I will learn.  :D

Thank you for looking and commenting.


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Very deep indeed, both images. I remember commenting on a smaller framing of the Heart with the stars removed and feeling there was a gradient. So this was wrong? Humble apologies!

I'm really impressed by the Ha signal you've found around the DC. Fabian Neyer's is the ground breaking image I guess you're referring to? I've long had it in mind to have a go at this and expected it would need far more time. My only complaint is that you've clipped one of my favourite clusters!!!  :cry: That's Stock II, the 'Leonardo's Man' asterism at the top. I'll forgive you!  :grin: Really great image and more broadband will make it sing for sure.

I dare say that, at some time, someone will dig out the Ha which much suffuse this region, right up to the the Heart and Soul. Attaboy!!!

Great stuff,


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This is a super Heart and Soul. The Ha is just mad and beautiful. It would be interesting to really get a hold on how further the Ha goes from IC1805. A challenge for someone with a bigger chip ..... Olly!

I think these are both well processed and very pleasing indeed - I look forward to seeing more from you :smiley:

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...by the way, are you sure the star colour is cooked in 10 min subs? That's my norm for RGB and I can usually find it, sometimes using Noel's action for dragging outer colour into the cores. This is a bit careless and lacks Ha. http://ollypenrice.smugmug.com/Other/Best-of-Les-Granges/i-bZM9Q6n/0/X3/DC%20StockII-X3.jpg


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Thanks, everyone!

As a note these are not mosaics and are single pane images. The heart and soul pane does in fact connect to the double cluster pane you see here, but it is slightly offset and requires two more panes to fill in the gaps. I made a mistake when I first set this up.

So yes it was supposed to be a mosaic, but I messed up. :)

Olly I am going to have another go at the star colour, but I could not get anymore out of them.

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