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RA and DEC switched on CGEM DX Mount ASCOM Driver


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As per the topic - my CGEM DX Mount ASCOM Driver has RA and DEC switched.

I am using the Celestron ASCOM Driver through FocusMax - which shows DEC increasing but RA static.

Anyone hit this problem before?

FocusMax 3.2.1 Celestron ASCOM Driver 5.0.30

Shows Celestron CGEM 4.19 Connected when you connect.

Any pointers appreciated.



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Hi Per

Thanks! The upgrade fixed it. Really appreciate your help!

"That sounds truly crazy" - yes - very odd.

Two guys are lost in the desert -- dying of thirst. They stumble across some Bedouin tents. They go in to the first and gasp "Water! Water!" The Bedouin says "Sorry - all I have is Sponge Fingers!" They try the second tent. The guy in that tent says "Sorry - all I have is jelly!" The guy in the third tent says "All I have is Custard". The fourth and last tent only has Candy Sprinkles.

The two guys stagger on in the desert. The first guy says "That was a bit odd!" The second guy replies "Yes - it was a trifle bazaar!"

I'll get my coat! It's the one with "The 100 worst jokes in the World" in the pocket!



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