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new/old c8 ... now how do i run it ?

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ok... have bought this older c-8  which looked like a good package   (  http://www.ebay.com/itm/Celestron-C8-Orange-tube-8in-2000mm-fl10-Schmidt-Telescope-/200976863437?ViewItem=&ssPageName=ADME%3AX%3ARTQ%3AUS%3A1123&item=200976863437&nma=true&si=bOPN2hs6vcUhKZ7%252F%252BDxstouV4go%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557     but now i have to figure out where to start.  no documentation with it im told.   have contacted celestron and they are trying to find download for me ... BUT  if anyone here has documentation or direction to some material that will start me at square one and get me going,  i am am happy to hear about it.    it will be my first scope and i am starting from scratch with no knowledge what so ever.

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The optics and the focusing, collimation etc etc are unchanged, pretty basic and won't give you a problem.

The mount is dated...I'm surprised to read about a 12V motor supply - it may be a 12v to 110v invertor (?)

The original mount used two Hurst geared motors - 110V

The dec arm limits fine adjustment in Dec but still very useable.


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