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Reporting a Shooting Star


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Which direction were you looking in, or at which constellation did it originate from.

Presently we are in minor showers from Taurus, Auriga and Gemini. There seem to be major and minor showers which is why this Gemini one is not well known, it is not the "big" Geminids in December.

Neither have many per hour.


The list given is not I think the full list of showers as I am sure I have seen others specified seperately.

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Saw an impressive 'meteorite' tonight from Shropshire confirming a posting from someone in North Wales. How do we go about reporting it and to whom? Curious to know what we were watching burning up.

Just to be pendantic.......it's a meteor in the sky and a meteorite if it actually lands. :grin:

What you saw would likely be classed as a fireball, anything with a magnitude greater than -4.

Most likely something the size from a grain of sand to a large pebble or rock, sometimes they

can be very big......the Chelyabinsk bolide in February had a mass of 11000tonnes.

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The word 'fireball' does sum it up pretty well. My wife and I were looking in the direction of the moon which was from time to time visible through patchy cloud. The intensity of the light from the fireball varied as it was obscured by the clouds but the trace remained for several seconds.

I'll get onto the SPA website.

Many thanks.

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I saw a bright meteor with long tail Sunday evening.It was in the western sky at approx 60 degrees travelling for south-west to north-west.

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