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Towa 339 80mm/F15 - help needed

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Hello to everyone.

I doubt if any of you remember me, I joined this forum almost 2yrs ago. Back then I wanted advice on my ancient Swift 831.

Well, the swift is still laid up in the attic. I really diidn't want to get it down back then as my young son (4 at that time) would probably have damaged it in some way. add to that, work was hit and miss (sub Joiner).

However, 2yrs is a longtime. My son is older and more co-ordinated, I'm no longer a subby, or to that matter a joiner!! Jacked everything in and went and got a job in a local engineering firm. No more travelling...YES!!

So, dark nights approaching and home everynight - it can only spell one thing. Observing the night sky!!

To tell the truth I'm pretty scared of getting the Swift out. She's been laid up now for over 25yrs. Memories of her back then are nice, I don't really want to know what father time has done to her, especially as I'm to ignorant to now how to revive her - if you get my drift,  So, I decided to look for another vintage refractor to learn on. Back then whenever I searched for articles on the Swift, the name Towa would always crop up. Especially Towa 339. I decided to take a look, before I know it,  I've bid and won  a Towa 339.

It arrived yesterday. I've just set it up this afternoon and focused on the chimney pots across the road - God awful!!

The image is dark, grainy, with smudges everywhere.

My question is where do i start. The eyepieces that came with it all look budget versions, notheless they should still give a half decent view. I never expected it to be spactacular - but nor did i expect what I see!!

Also, the finderscope looks to be a homebrew - Star diagonal cobbled upto some plastic tubing then thrown into what looks to be the original mount with a 2" brass pipe stuck on the end!!... Really sets the scope off...It does that!!! - I'd like the proper one back on, does anyone have any ideas where I might find one?? already searched ebay!!

So basically I'm in need of clean up advice and decent but not expensive finderscope.

I promised my lad that we'd be looking at the stars over the weekend - lol

Best wishes to you all!


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Hello Michael

Thanks for the prompt reply.

Ive just done as you ask and photographed the EPs, Front Cell, F/Scope etc etc.

I think I already know the culprit. The flash went off on the image of the front cell - I'll be very happy if that's dust - But I fear you're going to confirm my worst fears and tell me it's funghi!!

okay...I'll brace myself...........

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First bit of advice, get the 831 out and get it up and running, it has far better optics than the towa, and they are good

second, which ever scope you use, you will be better converting to 1.25 modern eyepieces, this will allow the light to the eye. i play around with vintage scopes, i have owned a towa and i still use a swift 839 (lovely scope) pm me if you need any specific help

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Hi Nightfisher (great name!)

In all probability the Swift will come out. However I do know its mount isn't anywhere near as complete as the towa. If my memory serves me well, the swifts mount is devoid of all markings/scales. Whilst I agree the optics will be better, I first want to get to grips with the basic understanding of setting up an equatorial mount. It blows my mind that once the scope is aligned to the North Star, I should in theory be able to navigate myself around using a planisphere. I'm pretty certain to all you guys with ultra modern tracking systems I must sound half baked,, but finding them on my own will be half the fun.

As for upgrading to 1.25" EP's, that will probably be the next step. However, I really want to get to grips with the basics and if possible not get drawn into becoming a "Gear Junkie" - I used to be into photography in a BIG way, and know full well how easy it is to start hankering after the next must have item, it suddenly becomes more important than the hobby itself....bad, bad experiences.

First off, I want to get this scope up and running to the best of its capabilities.

Will the front cell be easy to clean or is it really a job left for specialists?

Best wishes


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Tosh where abouts are you?

to go to 1.25 you will need a cheap Hybrid star diagonal and some cheap plossl eyepieces, if you have never cleaned a refractor lens it can be a job for some one that has done this before, the 2 lens (crown and flint) have a proper way round, if removed HAVE to go back same way

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Tosh where abouts are you?

to go to 1.25 you will need a cheap Hybrid star diagonal and some cheap plossl eyepieces, if you have never cleaned a refractor lens it can be a job for some one that has done this before, the 2 lens (crown and flint) have a proper way round, if removed HAVE to go back same way

I live in Sheffield.

I'm guessing you've studied the image I uploaded - What's your opinion? I can't work out if it's dust or mould spots!

The scope came with a  straight .96 - 1.25" adapter.



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There is a lot of dust on the lens, could be a bit of mould as well hard to tell from pic, your not far away i would be happy to come over some time to clean the optics, also would be interesting to set your 831 up on AZ 4 mount with modern ep`s im just a bit busy what with peak star party next week

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I live in Sheffield.

I'm guessing you've studied the image I uploaded - What's your opinion? I can't work out if it's dust or mould spots!

The scope came with a  straight .96 - 1.25" adapter.



Morning Nightfisher

Your offer is very gracious thank you.

To be fair to the previous owner - ebay purchase, it only arrived 2 days ago!

I think the problem here is that the former owner actually got stuck in and used it.....a lot!! It looks to be very well used, yet all parts seem to be present for basic viewing and more importantly - as far as I can tell, everything still works!! it's got it's own charm, a story to tell shall we say. I'm actually very excited about the prospect of putting this scope back into action!

Best wishes


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The whole lens assembly unscrews from the tube, you can clean the front outer lens and the rear inner face, but if there is mould between the crown and flint, thats where it can get tricky, i have done a towa plus a couple of circle k 76mm lens, i have yet to clean my 839 lens but it dont really need it

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It's been quite a morning.

The Towa was purchased to learn on - it isn't my holy grail.

Yesterday I viewed for the first time and was greeted with a very poor image, dark and grainy.

I've slept on it and this morning decided to take the bull by its horns!!

Having removed the dew shield, I began to wonder if this hadn't been opened before. There appeared to be marks on the underside of the front cell. I inscrewed and removed the focuser and peered down.  The front element was simply filthy, covered in smudge marks, hairs and god knows what!! Obviously it HAD been opened up before.

Sod it!! I removd the front cell. All you purists please leave the room..it gets worse....much worse!!

I'd already decided that the Towa was just a cheap way of getting into observing the night sky - nothing more, nothing less. If everything went pear shaped I'd simply break it up into it's basic components and list it on ebay.

Okay, blower brush out, canned air out, spectacle wipes out - I can see you all shaking your heads in total disbelief.

5 mins later, we're done...gleaming glass!!

The cell was screwed back on using 3 of the 6 screws, the remaining 3 were put in and simply nipped up so as not to loose them.

Right now the equatorial mount..

Far too much wobble on the balance weight shaft - couldn't work out why it wouldn't come off after removing the 3 screws, a quick check on the web (towa manual) and realised it was simply screwed on and the 3 screws there to keep it on. Brute force..off it came!! Old grease had acted as glue, I refitted  the shaft and attempted to remove it again, again it was stuck fast. so brute force and off it came. I've re-fitted the shaft using an M12 washer to act as a bearing. With the 3 srcrews refitted there's now no wobble whatsoever.

Focuser refitted, legs attached to EQ mount, tube assembly put back on. Hmm, super smooth.

It was then that I made a remarkable discovery, one that I was not expecting at all. I peered down the tube checking that everything was clear and was greeted by a razor sharp image of a leaf and berries. So sharp was that image I could clearly see the almost saw teeth on the leafs edge - it was crystal sharp. I normally wear glasses for reading and driving and put them on and peered down again, could see nothing, raised my glases and the image returned. The leaf was actually just outside the french doors 8-10ft away. I'm still puzzled as to why it was in focus and wonder if the front cell has actually been dismantled??

Anyway, EP fitted, the biggest that came  with the scope 12.5  .96. first look...god awful !! I rotated the EP and so did the dirty view. EP removed, unscrewed and blown, dusted, and wiped and then refitted.

Ah, that's more like it, the image is still dark and grainy but has improved 10 fold from what was viewed first time round.

So, everything seems to be working regarding the EQ mount. The front cell looks to be far better than I had originally anticipated. The Wooden legs are actually very stable once clamped and screwed and also very very light. I do like them.

So, where do I go next. I suspect I'll need to collimate the front lens. The ep's want either binning or cleaning and possibly a star diagonal .96"-1.25" either 45 or 90 degree added.

If anyone can give me some  advice on where to go next it would be  much appreciated.

Thanks to all


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