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Skywatcher v. Telescope Service 32mm Super Plössl

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...... I am also quite happy with the range of EPs I have (now with a nice big 24mm as well - when it arrives!) 

That is the most important thing Roger. I hope you continue to get lots of enjoyment from them  :smiley:

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The Maxvision 24mm arrived this morning by UPS.

Wow, it's quite a big piece of kit though not as heavy as it perhaps looks.

The impression mechanically is very good and a squint through the optics brings a smile and a grin with the promise of some juicy views once loaded into my Newt.

One thing that is slightly annoying though is the fact that the big lens cap does not grip the rubber of the eye cup because of the shape of the rubber moulding and so simply falls off if you tip the EP beyond the horizontal. This is not such a big problem since all my eyepieces are stored in a case with foam rubber insert but I will have to be careful in the field not to lose it.

Altogether a tasty addition to my outfit and if any stars are out tonight, like they were last night, then it's out into the garden for some first light. Yipeee!

Kind regards


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Roger....... Thanks for the update. were always keen to say buy this, get that, without fully realising or taking the time to get to know who were talking to, and to what their own individual needs and requirements are, maybe that information up-front would have bought a different view from us on your requirements. But stay within the parameters of the telescope and personal requirements and all will be fine  You mentioned the eyepiece lens cap. I quote in one of my threads that my BST 8mm Starguider has a similar design fault? I`ll probably have a case one Day or manufacture  cases from PVC tubing with caps and foam. (just thought..... I also use  fine hydro-elastic for fishing, so might be able to create some tension between both end caps?) Wishing you success with your first-light using the Maxvision. take care

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I use a 150p explorer as well for nights when I don't want to drag my larger scope out and it provides wonderful views.  It's a very capable scope and worth sticking with.  The new 68 degree should show you some nice low magnfiication, wide views.

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Roger....... Thanks for the update. were always keen to say buy this, get that, without fully realising or taking the time to get to know who were talking to, and to what their own individual needs and requirements are, maybe that information up-front would have bought a different view from us on your requirements.............

Hi Charic,

when I originally started the thread I had a semi-fixed idea of what I was looking for hence the SW v. TS. title.

But one of the beautiful things about this site is the wealth of knowledge and experience which members are only to willing to share with others. Had this not been the case I would have probably settled for one or the other quite arbitarily.

Suggestions for alternatives and different specs opened up a much wider playing field for me which I probably hadn't imagined when I started the thread. Obviously I can't explain every detail of my strategies beforehand anymore than responders can be expected to know or learn these things but the outcome for me has been that I have ended up purchasing an EP that I'd never have considered, for a cracking price within my budget and which I am convinced is actually exactly what I should have been looking for in the first place.

People pointed out options, products and suppliers some of which I had never heard of thereby coincidently widening my knowledge of these things helping to give me a better understanding of some of the finer points of this hobby of ours.

When so many people, like your good self, expend the time and effort to reply and give free advice then the least I can do is to respond and thank you all even if I can probably only take the one piece of advice. This (the thanking that is!) I try to do whilst maintaining my british sense of humour - which is vital living in Germany!!!!!

Once again, thanks everybody.

Kind regards


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