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Convert Canon MOV files for AviStack2?

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Does anyone haver an easy way to get the video files from the 550D to be accepted in AviStack2? I like this program better then registax, but it kind of is a PITA to work with when it comes to files.

I have not yet found a good converter tool that coverts teh MOV files directly into a lossless old format AVI that AviStack2 accepts.

What i do now: use Total Video Converter to convert the 550D's MOV filed into lossless raw avi, then i open every single converted file seperatly in VirtualDub, and click "save as old format AVI", only THEN does AviStack2 accept my files (and VirtualDub doesn't accept the MOV files).

While this works, it's very time consuming to doubble convert all teh files before finally being able to actually start processing them. Especially when you might have like 30-50+ files for a mosaic... :(

Alternatively, if i found out how to batch convert files in virtual dub into old format AVI, that would work too, but i never got it to work.

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Thanks for the tip. I forgot to mention, but i've tried that too actually. It also created a file not accepted by AviStack2. Unless i did something wrong somewhere? Have you tried and had success with PIPP -> AviStack2?

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I think Format Factory does .mov files to .avi, but I don't know if it is lossless .avi.

Thanks for the tip. I'll look into it. :)

It's not MOV -> AVI that's teh issue, it's that it needs to be "old format AVI", wich kind of nobody uses today for anything at all, exept maybe just AviStack2, lol :p

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Hi Jannis,

I have not used AviStack2 so have never tried it with AVI files that PIPP has generated.  I shall have a play today and see what I can figure out.

From your description it sounds like AviStack2 might only work with old format AVI files.  If that is the case PIPP can generate old format AVI files by selecting this option:

* Output Options->AVI File Options->Generate Old Format AVI File = Enabled



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That is interesting Steve.  I just tried the same but AviStack2 still would not accept the file from PIPP, reporting that the frame length is incorrect.

I am using AviStack2 Version 2.00, Date 2010-07-23.

Is that the same AviStack2 version that you used Steve?

I have made some tweaks to PIPP so the old format file it creates is closer to the old format file created by VirtualDub and now AviStack2 does load this version.  I have a few more little changes to make but will upload a new version of PIPP with these changes later today.



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I've just dusted it off and had another look , and now it's back firmly in the " one day " locker from whence it came .... life's too short ..... I need straightforward software like PIPP , REGISTAX et al , easy to grasp and quick to get results from .....  :p

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PIPP v2.2.17 has now been uploaded to http://sites.google.com/site/astropipp/downloads.  This version has some updates to work around the shortcomings of AviStack2's AVI handling.

To generate AVI files that will work with AviStack 2 you need to change the following controls:

* Output Options->AVI File Options->Generate Old Format AVI File = Enabled

* Output Options->AVI File Options->Modify AVI Frame Width To Safe Size = Enabled

I hope this helps.



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Awsome! Thank you very much! :)

AviStack2 might look complicated, but I have no problem using it and get good results. You can most of the time just click on the "?" on the top of the window at each step and get the information needed to understand the settings. I've noticed it can be extremly slow though, so do turn off the "update display" settings for those steps who have it when you don't need it.

Registax however, i'm simply unable to understand properly and get good results from, lol.

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