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Which light pollution filter?


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Hi guys!!

I live in London very very close to wembley stadium. Having taken an image if M31 for the first time yesterday all I found was an orange picture. I rekon the inclusion of a LP filter would hopefully make things a lot better.

I've looked at hutech idas LP filter and also the astronomik clip filter. Which would you recommend, I'm currently using an unmodded 650d, and in the future possibly get a Ccd so a filter that I could transfer would be great

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Another vote for the IDAS from me, I use one with my mono camera & LRGB filters.

Same, Hutech IDAS LPS here, used alongside my Baader LRGB filters on a monochrome CCD camera. 

Please note however that as all good light pollution filters do, they reflect the unwanted light back out. Hutech state that if your telescope optics are not multi-coated, that this can cause internal reflections. This is true and I'm not sure how multi-coated Skywatcher Explorer OTAs are but my 150PDS caused internal reflections on bright stars when using this light pollution filter. This does not seem to be the case with the Altair Astro 8" RC I use now, so yeah, it's telescope-dependent apparently. 

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