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Advice for full spec 1100D under dark skies


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Hi guys, I am looking for some advice. I have a full spectrum Canon 1100D with no filters whatsoever & was wondering what would be my optimal use of my setup under extremely dark skies.

For my ordinary imaging I have CLS-CCD light pollution clip-in filter and have recently aquired a MPCC Mark III coma corrector. The CC is a refractive element in the light path, but since it's the CCD version it will handle the uv/ir cut &, so no problems there. My home imaging location always has enough light pollution to absolutely warrant using the clip-in filter at all times.

However, I am working on getting a mobile setup ready so I can take my gear out to really dark sky sites occasionally. I have read around and people say having a coma corrector in the light path really doesn't affect the image much for a full spec camera without any ir/uv cut whatsoever, however I haven't tested this myself yet personally. So my questions are as follows:

Should I just keep using my CLS-CCD clip-in filter together with my coma corrector even under extremely dark skies with no light pollution?

Or should I just use the coma corrector on it's own?

Or is there another clip-in filter I should aquire for this purpose?

This is also relevant for the camera lenses I am going to get in the future. :)

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A fourth option for me I guess would be to just not use the coma corrector at all. I suppose there are targets that are rather small, where it isn't such a big deal to get coma at the sides, as you can just crop it out of the image. I guess what I'm worried about is if my CLS-CCD filter will filter out any goodness that would otherwise be there if it didn't block those wavelengths under really good dark skies.

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