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Celestron CGEM Firmware Update


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This is an important firmware update for owners of Celestron CGEM and Celestron CGEM DX mounts because it enhances overall performance and fixes a bug that affected auto-tracking accuracy. 

Celestron designed the CGEM and CGEM DX with astro-photography in mind. They have clearly put considerable thought into it's design and manufacture but the original firmware had a bug that caused it to occasionally misbehave when auto-tracking. This firmware fixes that so enables both mounts to reach their full potential. 

"This update significantly improves autoguiding performance in our CGEM and CGEM DX mounts, fixing the "dec guiding," or "dec cogging" issues reported by some users."

We recommend all owners of Celestron CGEM and CGEM DX mounts upgrade to this latest firmware. 

Firmware Update for CGEM and CGEM DX


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  • 7 months later...

A big "thanks" guys - this avoids a lot of searching.  I've just reassembled my CGEM (on a pier) after the summer break and noticed a big 'clunk' in the Dec axis whilst guiding (with PHD) on my first 'reassembled' session. Never noticed it before.  Everything works perfectly for 6 to 10 minutes guiding and then the Dec just seems to step out by x10 the normal variance for a few seconds and then everything seems to re-engage.  I now know this is the 'dec cogging' issue.

One question.  I want to update the hand controller and the motor control software.  Do I have to perform all the historical updates for each or just the most recent?  That is, are they cumulative updates?



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