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Celestron power problem?

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When I switch on the power to my Celestron NexStar 6SE it takes quite a while before the hand controller responds.  And it seems to be taken longer and longer.  I usually end up taking the connections out and reinserting and switching on and off a couple of times.  I am using a Skywatcher rechargeable tank which is religiously recharged after every use - when full it seems to stop charging but I keep an eye on this anyway.  And once working everything seems to be fine.  Could understand it in the middle of winter but not at this time of year.  Anyone any thoughts?

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The handset will be running through a self check of itself and the base unit of the 6SE.

Unfortunately the processor in the handset would hardly be recognisable as a processor to many these days, I am guessing 8 bit and a serial bus at 9600. Sorry the 6SE like my Meades is 10+ year old technology.

If it is actually getting slower then I cannot think why, strangely for testing software one of the most used items I always had to get was a stopwatch. Why a stopwatch was generally necessary for testing something that operated at 10Mips I have no idea but it was. Point being is it slower or do you think it is slower.

The worrying factor is if it has to retry a self test more then once, but manages to pass eventually. However I think they do not retry, just display an error and stop.

The fact that it doesn't reset means the connection is good, usually I would not expect a low power to make it run slow. They usually have enough or not enough to run. Strange there seems to be no Low Power warning - as in "I want 9v, I am getting 7.8v." Maybe there is just never heard of one.

May sound odd, apply power but do not switch on immediatly. Leave the power connected connected to the base for a few seconds 5-10, then switch on. See if that makes the handset come up faster. For whatever reason I need to do this on at least one of the Meades otherwise the handset does nothing. Makes me wonder if the power when applied is charging something up first, and until charged the handset is inoperative. As said odd but something I find I need to do and sure I didn't used to need to do.

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May sound odd, apply power but do not switch on immediatly. Leave the power connected connected to the base for a few seconds 5-10, then switch on. See if that makes the handset come up faster. For whatever reason I need to do this on at least one of the Meades otherwise the handset does nothing. Makes me wonder if the power when applied is charging something up first, and until charged the handset is inoperative. As said odd but something I find I need to do and sure I didn't used to need to do.

Thanks.  This is effectively what I am doing and sort of makes sense.

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