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Rigel won't turn on??

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I did the same thing with my Telrad when I first got it! Panicked that it wasn't working, then realised that you can only really see it in the dark! 

Funny thing is, I've had it for about 9 months now, and panicked over exactly the same thing at the last star party I went to:

Set everything up during the day (all ready for the first night), started to align the finderscope and Telrad with the scope (cos they had been removed for the journey) and thought that the Telrad wasn't working... changed batteries, still no joy, changed them again (in case I put duds in), then thought it might have been damaged in transit... Went to show someone that it wasn't working just as it was going dark, then realised my mistake!

Doh, doh, and triple doh! 

We all do it! You are not alone! Hope I've made you feel a bit better! :)

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