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DSS, how to use only master bias frame when stacking?

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Ok, so i'm currently stacking yesterdays 37x M13 light frames after sorting out most of my calibration files from the last 3-4 years.

I ended up with a collection of 336 bias frames. Now i'm stacking all of these, and it's probably going to take a year and a half, but for next time, how do i tell DSS to only use the master BIAS frame, and not stack them all over again?

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Are you using 3 - 4 years worth of bias frames and combining them ? If so I don't think that's a good idea. Bias frames change over time, or so they say. Just make new Masters every now and again. I do it between 6 and 12 months and use around 50.

Once you have the master then put it in an easily found file and direct DSS to it. I tend to have a file on the desktop called...... Calibration.


Typed at the same time as Martin :)

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IIRC don't you need at one light frame to get DSS to start stacking and create the master calibration files?

I usually used to select obe of the calibration frames as a dumny light...

I would usd all your bias frames to create a naster... I would take and use a new set every few months...


Badly typed on my Galaxay S4 in Tapatalk4

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I see. Wasn't awere biasd changed over time. I knew darks could due to bad pixels and so, but didn't think the read noise would change? Final pic turned out OK , but i guess i'll create a new set anyway then. :)

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