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Please help me get my camera attached to my scope.


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I have a Panasonic SD900 and I'm trying to attach it to my Skyliner 200p Dob for some moon shots. I bought the adapter ring so I can connect it to the scope but all its showing is the cross and mirror, looks like I need to have an eye piece in but how do I connect my camera to an eye piece???

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No I'm pretty sure as its a video camera the eye piece needs to be in as when the camera is on its just like looking down the view finder with no eye piece in. I found that 2 40mm long T2 extention tubes would do it. That way I could attach the tube to the video camera, then slide the whole lot over the eye piece (eye piece being in the scope) then screw it down on the dslr mount that's on the scope below the eye piece.

Tbf I got some pretty good shots of the moon the other night by just holding my I Phone upto the eye piece.

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As the camcorder has a fitted lens, you will need an eyepiece in the chain for afocal imaging. To not have an eyepiece, you're using the telescope as a camera lens, meaning you have to replace the camera lens with the scope, whist this works for dSLR's, I do not think you can remove the lens (without breaking the camcorder that is) on a camcorder.

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Hi Jez,

you need to have an eyepiece with a t-thread (or similar) at the viewing end... such as the hyperion eyepieces.

You will then need to obtain the correct adapter ring to fit between the camera's filter thread and the eypiece thread.

I attach a PDF of the hyperion range showing how this is achieved... look at the 3 right side pictures showing various video camera attachment methods.

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This is what I have, but to tell you the truth I've not used it, the end of the panny has a filter thread which on mine is 37mm. so the adapter screws in the front , then I remove the rubber eyecup off the EP so I can screw down the thumb screws into the groove of the EP then just slide it into your focuser, just tried it and found 25mm EP seems to work ok. sorry I cant remember where I got the adapter from .. hope this will shine a bit more light on what you want to do.





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