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I am just getting used to using my new QHY5 11 as a guide scope and planetary camera. Using firecapture software I took some video of the moon last night . However the video that resulted was not what I saw on the laptop. I play it back and see a square playback that has a diagonal line through it and 2 images playing . It appears like two triangle pictures. Both the same image but one is brighter than the other. So whats going on?   2nd question is can you take a screen capture using firecapture . Sharpcap allows this but I can not see it in Firecapture.

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I don't think there's an open in FireCapture to grab a single frame.  I don't recall having seen one, certainly.

Not sure about the other problem.  Are you using the latest beta version of FireCapture?  And you saved the output from the camera as an AVi?  I wonder if it is the playback program that is getting it wrong rather than FireCapture itself?  Have you tried loading the video into AS!2 or Registax?  If you can get a screen grab that might help to show what's going on.


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What software were you using to play the video back?  It can be the video playback software that has the issue, VLC can be quite poor at playing back non-standard sized videos for example.

You could try running the video through PIPP as this can fix a lot of the simple issues.  Also PIPP will allow you to save a frame as a JPEG to post on here (or to the Firecapture group).



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Have downloaded both forecapture and pipp as suggested . Had a session last night but had problems with the qhy5 as nothing would find it and the little red power light wsas just glowing and fashing . I was using new extendable usb cables and thought that they might be the problem but was not. I later just connect ed the camear straight in and it still did not work. AN THEN IT DID, Talk about frustating. Will try again tonight if clear. Thanks again for all advixe and help. Jay

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