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Source for lost lens caps sought

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Not sure if this is the right forum because the problem can apply to bins, scopes and eyepieces alike.

Many of us have been unfortunate enough to lose/misplace eypiece-, lens- or even scope caps so what then?

Does anyone know of a source for replacements other than trying the original equipment manufacturer?

I would have thought that at the very least somebody somewhere stocks replacement 1 1/4" EP end caps?

It isn't always just a case of replacing a missing cap - I have a pair of old bins (50mm objective) where although both caps are still around, one of them is so worn that it falls off as soon as I look at it! It would be nice to treat the bins to a new set of caps so where do I look? The original supplier was Dixons I believe but caps for a 60 year old set of bins is unlikely to be held in stock by Dixons especially as it's possible that they were made in Korea.

Any tips gratefully received.

Kind regards


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Eyepiece end caps can I think be bought from TS, most useful to you.

Binocular ones will I think mean a vist to a decent camera/binocular shop. Reasonably sure I have seen them for sale in such places over here. Fortunately 2 good camera shops in Cambridge that do things like these.

TS Caps

TS list end caps under the section for Cases.

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