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Hi guys,

Just been given a Celestron 76EQ for my birthday today. Ive always wanted a telescope and now I have one. But im not too sure if the 130EQ would be better for a little bit more money. I have no clue on these and was thinking the automatic star tracker which comes with the 130EQ would be better for me as I am a complete beginner?

Thanks for reading and you help


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I do already have it but its still boxed, unopened and have the receipt. I cant see on the website much difference between the two but I dont know what im looking for. Id like to see the moon, some close stars and planets anything really.

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Or better still is there a different sort of telescope I could get for the same sort of thing? I think my partner only got the celestron astromaster 76eq because he got it from currys and could pick it up.

thanks Toni

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As someone who recently had a similar scope (127eq) I would definitely go with the 130EQ over the 76EQ. The 130EQ-MD is a motor driven mount, it will track the stars for you, saves you having to manually adjust as things drift across the eyepiece, I would have loved that on my first mount but its not a necessity, If its only a few quid more I would have it, I see on amazon it is only about 25 pound more than the non-driven mount which is decent . Whatever you pick im sure you will have fun.

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The 130EQ-MD is a very respectable performer and will show you a lot more than the 76 simply because of it's wider aperture and greater "light grasp". It will show you everything you mention, and more.

A motor drive is very useful - once you point the scope at an object and engage the drive - it will track your object keeping it in the eyepiece for around 15-20 mins without drifting off. You may need to tweak the Dec axis now and then manually though - and you will have to learn how to polar align the mount for it to track properly.

Congrats on your birthday - but do tell him not to use Currys for astronomy gear lol. Much better going to a proper astro retailer. Hope that helps :)

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