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Venus is gonna shine.


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On September 8th about an hour after sunset Venus is going to literally be about 1-2 degrees away from the moon. Additonally Saturn will make an appearance to the upper right of the moon by the width of about a clenched fist.

I point this out to those newer in the astronomy hobby because the moon is an anchor in the sky in which you can easily use to orient yourself. September 8th will be a good night for viewing if mother nature permits.

To the lower right of the Moon and saturn you can view the Star Spica. Easily oriented and with the moon as an anchor here is your chance to view Venus, Saturn, Spica and a cresent moon and know what it is you are looking at.

Good luck and clear skies everyone.

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I also recommend using eg Stellarium to 'forward view' what to expect and where, especially if you have certain parts of sky blocked by buildings, trees etc, so that you can check whether you can view from your normal location.

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Having a quick look on Sky Safari I see that it's not going to be any easy spot with anything but an excellent sky and low westerly horizon.

The ecliptic is makes a very shallow angle with the horizon and from my location the moon will be setting about 45mins after the sun.

It'll be a challenge but I'm on a night shift then and if it's clear I can find a good vantage point :)

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