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A Wonderful Night!


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Hi everyone!

Last night was the first clear night I've had in a while, and it gave me an excellent chance to do some observing!

I first decided to look at an object I first saw last time - M92, which appeared as a lovely bright globular with lots of stars resolved. Strangely, I never looked at its more famous neighbour - M13.

I then looked back at another object I found last clear night, which was M56. I thought that Moonless skies would help resolve stars, and it did.

After that, I looked over at Andromeda, hoping that Moonless skies would help me spot M110, and I think I did - barely. It appeared as a large, faint fuzz. I had an easier job seeing M31, and M32.

I then looked for the open cluster M103, which, after eluding me despite it's brightness, I think I may have spotted, as a loose grouping of bright stars, with a few faint ones sprinkled between.

Then, I looked for another completely new object - M15 in Pegasus, which was a bright, easily visible ball of light, with a little resolution inside.

After that, I spotted a faint sight - The strangely loose M71 globular. I could see why some think it's just a large open cluster, as despite being rather faint (one for the Moonless nights), it seemed as well resolved as M92, with little sign of a central concentration.

I meant to start imaging around 10, to capture an hour of data, buy the deep sky distractions meant I only got about 10 minutes of data on M27.

I then got a decent shot of the Moon, which was barely above the horizon. After that, I had a peek visually, and it was bright! Much brighter than I remember with my old 150p!


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