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Canon DSLR to 130p adaptor????

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Hi guys,

I'm so angry... b/o obviously being too stupid or smth...

I went out and bought a lovely 450d Canon. Then I got everything hooked up to the comp and have APT running.

Meanwhile these two adaptors came from FLO:



And only now I realise that this doesnt fit into my standard 130p rack n pinion focuser...


What adaptor DO I need?

Please help!!!

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this has been 'covered' a few times on here. This was my experience :-

assuming your 130P came with the standard 10mm, 20mm and 2x Barlow, you should find that the thread on the 'eyepiece' end of the 2x Barlow will fit the 'T' ring that attaches to your camera. HOWEVER, this will, of course, effectively double the size of any target you try to focus on, not particularly good if imaging the moon, unless you're into mosaics. So, you can remove the lens from the Barlow and use it as an 'adaptor', BUT, what I found then was, not enough 'inward' travel on the focuser!! :eek:

What I did then was make a new 'threaded piece' for the centre of the T ring (I work in engineering) to suit the thread that is on the end of the focus tube when you unscrew the eyepiece holder!! unfortunately, this still did not give me enough inward travel to achieve focus!! :confused:

At this point I decided to stick with my modified webcam on the 130P and bought a Refractor to use with my DSLR on DSO's.

Your focuser may be different to mine and let you achieve focus but this situation seems to have 'hit' a few people.

Im sorry that this may not really help you, but you are not alone!!

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thanks, but that wasn't the problem

I've already solved the inward focus by moving the primary up by an inch.

I was on about ACTUALLY putting the DSLR in my focuser/scope/whateveryonecallsitnowadays.

So I bought the T ring adaptor and 2" T mount adaptor.... not realising that I actually needed a 1.25" t mount adaptor (I hope that's right...)

Am new to DSLR and giddily waiting to try my new toy in the field after 2 years of SPC880...

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ahhh, okie dokie.

how was it moving the mirror up??

glad you sorted, that new adaptor should do the trick, I think. If not, try the barlow !!

Clear skies

Moving the mirror up was a piece of cake once I knew what I was doing. There's a thread in this forum detailing my adventure with pictures...

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