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IC 1805 - detail


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This is my try to IC 1805 made these days (on full moon) in Ha 7nm.

Is a stack of 18 exposures of 1200 sec each (6 hours), made with MN190 and ATIK 314L+ on EQ6/EQMOD.

Acquisition, stacked and calibrated with MaximDL, processed with StarTools.


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Is not because of focus (I used FocusMax several times during the acquisition) but because the flexure I have on my system. I will try to deal with in the near future, but for the moment is the best I can. Anyway, I am just a beginner so don't shoot me now :cry: . :wink: !

I made another try with 7 hours integration, same area and slightly difference in process of data in StarTools. I hope is better...


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For some unknown reason, my last picture is gone. But is no big deal, because last night I took some shots in Ha, again, but the condition was much better. I kept 8 x 1200 sec from first row of shots and 21 (from 24) exposures x 900 sec.

Calibrated with dark, bias and flats and stacked in MaximDL, processed in StarTools and some post process (levels and curves) at the end in PS CS2.


Hope that's better...

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I added some OIII exposures these nights, so I made this picture from 7 hours and 55 min in Ha and 4 hours in OIII (from a total of 9 hours - the rest is on recicle bin), as Ha=R, OIII=G, OIII=B. I don't explain you the whole process because I forgot it till now (it was so complicated). I need some extra tutorials for color processing.


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