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Travelling to dark skies, need advice

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So I'll be heading to southwest Colorado in a few weeks and want something to enjoy the super dark skies there. I'll be travelling by plane. I were to bring something with me would it be better to bring a portable telescope or a couple pairs of decent binoculars? Or just have a 6 inch dob sent to my girlfriend's aunt? lol I have about 200 or to spend so I'm on bit of a tight budget. Any help would be appreciated.

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In this case I would look at a pair of binos with a stand. The smallest "portable" scope I would recommend would be the Startravel 102 on AZ3 mount, but that is over the budget. Also the Heritage dob would work, but then again I think you want a good pair of binos with a simple stand.

Maybe something like these babies with a stand should land you under 200$. http://www.amazon.co...s/dp/B0007UQNTU

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I would travel with my 90mm Megrez refractor (as hand luggage) and put the photo tripod and head I use it with (well wrapped) in a towel in my suit case in the hold. Of coure any reasonable small refractor would be ok, the short 80mm Skywatcher is good value though I don't know the current price. it you buy the tube assembly only, it will fit on a modest photo tripod if you have one. If you haven't any binoculars perhaps someone could lend you a pair and you could take those also. Perhaps your girlfirend's aunt has a pair in which case you could perhaps use those? Have a good trip.

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Yes, I would either go for binoculars or something like an ST80 on a decent photo tripod with a few eyepieces.

Binos will give you lovely Widefield views but won't allow you any higher magnification views. The ST80 is fairly cheap and light but with a couple if reasonable ep's will give good views

I have taken a 66mm refractor plus ep's and a tripod abroad on a number of occasions to dark skies and it is well worth it.


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The 6" Dob sounds nice, but how would that work? You'd just leave it there?

The trip is for a wedding, perhaps a gift. :) But I don't have a short refractor or good binocs so I'll go one of those 2 ways. Thanks for the suggestions guys. This is my first trip out to insanely dark skies so it's good to know what will yield me the most satisfying result given my circumstances. :)

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